
Pronouns: They/them

My Role: 

I first found 2BU as the parent of an LGBTQIA+ young person, and was so bowled over by the amazing work this wonderful group of people do, with such love and care, that I was instantly eager to be more involved!
Now I volunteer as a support worker, with a truly inspiring group of young people, and am excited for my future with 2BU.
As a queer person myself, who didn't have this kind of support in my youth, I'm grateful to be able to be a part of it now.

I am most proud of: 

my growth as a person, and realising I can be exactly who I am, dress how I want, dye my hair bright pink and feel happier in my skin. And now I get to work with amazing young people and encourage them to be 100% themselves too.

My perfect holiday would be: 

Honestly, as someone with mobility issues, it would be all inclusive, with the sun shining, a pool and a beach nearby, with my family. Languorous, warm, good company and good food!

My ultimate three course meal would be: 

A hard decision! Calamari (with so much aioli that I smell of garlic for days!) steak, crème brûlée.


Would you like to join the youth support group?

There is a range of groups and support options to consider, we look forward to hearing from you!

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